Thrifty MMA Fighter: Bryce Mitchell Turns Cage into Chicken Coop

Thrifty MMA Fighter: Bryce Mitchell Turns Cage into Chicken Coop

Bryce Mitchell, also known as “Thug Nasty,” is not your typical MMA fighter. When he’s not training or competing in the UFC, he spends his time on his farm in Arkansas. Mitchell is vocal about his love for farming and sustainable living, showcasing his unique lifestyle to his fans and followers.

Upcycling the Cage

In a creative twist, Mitchell repurposed an old MMA training cage on his property. Instead of letting it go to waste, he transformed the inside of the cage into a functional chicken coop complete with nesting boxes, roosting bars, and a roof. Additionally, he utilized the space beneath the cage to house his pigs, demonstrating his innovative approach to farming and sustainability.

On Instagram, Mitchell shared a glimpse of his new agricultural setup, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how he cares for his chickens and other livestock. The fighter’s passion for farming shines through as he tends to his animals with dedication and care, showcasing a side of him rarely seen inside the Octagon.

Despite his success on the farm, Mitchell has faced challenges in his MMA career. In his last few fights, he suffered two defeats by finish, including a devastating first-round knockout at UFC 296 against Josh Emmett. The loss weighed heavily on Mitchell, leading him to announce a six-month break from the sport to focus on recovery and spend time with his family while tending to his farm.

Bryce Mitchell’s story is a reminder that MMA fighters are multifaceted individuals with interests beyond the Octagon. By blending his passion for farming with his career as a fighter, Mitchell exemplifies the importance of balance and pursuing diverse interests. As he continues to navigate the highs and lows of professional fighting, Mitchell’s unique approach to life both in and out of the cage serves as an inspiration to fans and fellow fighters alike.


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