New York Mets Closer Edwin Díaz Suspended for Using Foreign Substances

New York Mets Closer Edwin Díaz Suspended for Using Foreign Substances

New York Mets closer Edwin Díaz has found himself in hot water after being suspended for 10 games and fined for violating Major League Baseball’s prohibitions on foreign substances. The suspension, handed down by MLB senior vice president of on-field operations Michael Hill, will take effect as the Mets prepare to face off against the New York Yankees at Citi Field, unless Díaz opts to appeal the decision.

Díaz’s suspension comes on the heels of a controversial incident during the Mets’ game against the Chicago Cubs, where he was ejected before even taking the mound in the ninth inning. Crew chief Vic Carapazza discovered a sticky and discolored substance on Díaz’s right hand, leading to his immediate removal from the game. Despite Díaz’s claims that he only uses rosin, sweat, and dirt for grip, Carapazza insisted that the substance found was not the typical combination of rosin and sweat.

This suspension adds to Díaz’s challenges this season, as the two-time All-Star has been underperforming with only seven saves and a 4.70 ERA. His struggles on the field have been compounded by a knee injury that sidelined him for the entirety of last season, as well as a recent shoulder issue that forced him onto the injured list for two weeks earlier in the year.

Díaz now joins a growing list of pitchers who have been suspended for using illegal foreign substances to enhance their performance. Since MLB implemented stricter regulations on pitchers using sticky stuff to improve grip and spin rates in 2021, eight players have faced suspensions, including three from the Mets organization. The crackdown aims to maintain the integrity of the game and level the playing field for all athletes involved.

Edwin Díaz’s suspension serves as a reminder of the consequences that come with violating MLB rules regarding foreign substances. As the league continues to crack down on illegal enhancements, players are being held accountable for their actions on the field. Moving forward, it will be crucial for athletes like Díaz to adhere to the regulations set forth by Major League Baseball to avoid facing similar penalties in the future.


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